Having Flowers in Your Home Can Reduce Stress and Pain

Pick up a bouquet next time you're at the farmer's market — they're good for you!

By: Amanda Mushro


Photo by: Eri Miura

Eri Miura

If everything isn’t coming up roses, maybe you need to surround yourself with some blooms to brighten your mood. According to a new study, having fresh flowers in your home can actually help you feel better, both mentally and physically.

Researchers from the American Society for Horticulture Science tested whether plants have therapeutic influences on surgical patients. They found that fresh flowers can help reduce feelings of anxiety and even ease physical pain. So, if you are feeling under the weather or stressed, a bouquet of may be the best medicine!

For the study, 90 patients who were recovering from appendectomies were split into recovery rooms with either fresh or no flowers, and the results were noteworthy.

The patients with flowers had a lower blood pressure and heart rate, lower ratings of pain, anxiety and fatigue, and a higher satisfaction with their rooms than the patients without a few blooms around.

The authors of the study suggested that flowers can be "complementary medicine" for recovering patients. Instead of dull hospital rooms with uninspiring art on the walls, hospitals might consider adding fresh flowers in their décor.

Even if you aren’t recovering from surgery, just seeing beautiful flowers can brighten your mood. All it takes is a quick trip to your local florist, grocery store, or farmer's market — or, if you've got a green thumb, your own backyard!

Other studies tout the health benefits of gardening. According to one study, digging in the earth and creating beautiful flowerbeds in and around your home has just as many health benefits as going to the gym. So, if you aren’t feeling up to a regular sweat session, grab a shovel and some seeds instead.


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